Case study hypertension nursing 411

Case study hypertension nursing 411 1 depicts proportions of the various food item options that were chosen by the respondents for 5 food groups: Figure 2 depicts responses given by the study participants with regard to food options that they will choose for hypertension patients for 4 food groups: However, for breakfast cereals and grains, the majority With regard to the roots and tubers food group, a high proportion, On the other hand, only The study specifically focused on the ability of final-year nursing students to provide nutrition counseling on dietary modifications to hypertensive patients.

These are key modifiable risk factors for hypertension development and so it is important that nurse trainees be knowledgeable in this area in order to help reduce the prevalence of hypertension. Less than half of the respondents indicated that they will advise hypertension patients to increase their intake of potassium-containing food items. Mineral intakes have been found to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Dietary potassium intake has been demonstrated to significantly lower blood pressure BP in a dose-responsive manner in both hypertensive and nonhypertensive patients in both observational studies and clinical trials [ 1426 ]. Intake of magnesium in particular has been shown to enhance the BP-lowering effect of antihypertensive medications [ 2728 ].

These are risk factors for the occurrence of hypertension, although the evidence for caffeine is mixed. Alcohol intake can lead to endothelial damage of the heart vessels and fat infiltration leading to heart enlargement. High intakes of fat increase the chance of clogging of the lumen of the vessels through fatty plaques formation which can lead to arteriosclerosis. However, a higher proportion as well, The implication is that these students are likely to naively offer inaccurate nutritional guidelines to patients with hypertension, thereby lowering the progress of their recovery. Regarding the ideal recommendation on nutrition therapy, the recommendations follow that of DASH.

This recommendation, since it is cost-effective, will be easy to follow by patients if the essence is explained to them by nurses.

Journal of Biomedical Education

Casr The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH diet is an overall eating plan that focuses on eating twice the atudy daily amount of fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and low-fat dairy products [ 22 ]. Again, the majority, This finding suggests that the study participants knew the beneficial role of increased hhpertension which Case study hypertension nursing 411 lowering of cholesterol levels and reduced salt intakes in lowering blood pressure. In a similar study [ 30 ] conducted among Jordanian nurses, the majority also recommended an increased intake of fiber to hypertension patients. The beneficial role of dietary fiber hypertensikn the prevention and reduction of arterial blood pressure is well presented in literature [ 3132 ].

With regard to recommendations unrsing fat intake to prevent or manage high blood pressure, the responses of the students are supported by findings of similar studies [ 2930 ]. It is important to note that another effect of high intake of fatty nrsing containing high proportions of long-chain fatty acids is its capability of lowering the absorption of magnesium [ 33 ]. Respondents indicated that they will advise hypertensive patients to increase their nuts intake. Indeed, nuts are rich in -6 fatty acids which are known to reduce the levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol in the body.

Nuts are also very high in potassium [ 34 ]. The findings suggest that the nursing students in the present study were not aware of the protective effect of potassium in managing hypertensive conditions. With regard to potassium and its role in preventing or managing hypertension, potassium intake has been found to be inversely related to both diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure in population-based studies [ 35 ]. The findings on the types of food to recommend to a hypertensive patient were worrying. This finding raises concerns about the knowledge levels of the nurses particularly with regard to the negative effect of taking in red meat by hypertensive patients.

Contributions habit of drinking water to the prevention of hypertension N; In Table 4 it can be seen that In Table 5 shows that Table 6 shows the Table 7 shows the Table 8 shows The Results of Multivariate Analysis Table 9 shows all the independent variables that are thought to contribute to the prevention of hypertension, after statistically tested was only one variable that contributes to that the habit of drinking water. Variable habit of drinking water is the most dominant contributing to the prevention of hypertension. Drinking Ordinary Water Drinking everyone is different, it is influenced by the family environment in childhood.

When the family since childhood to drink tea then during the subsequent development likely to rarely or never drink water. Indonesian society used when there are guests who visited the house, feel more comfortable or awake feelings when giving drink tea, coffee, milk to his guest. Disebagian public opinion used to be that families who only drink water that poor families or poor. Families who used to drink tea, coffee, milk, syrup, carbonated drinks are considered a respectable family or families are.

Gradually the people of Indonesia berubahh after getting information that the drinking water is healthier than drinking tea, coffee or soft drinks. Other Factors Drinking Coffee, Smoking, Eating Vegetables and Fruits and Sports Drinking coffee when it is customary to be tasted nothing is lost if they do not do it, even among smokers do not feel complete without a cup of coffee on the sidelines sucking on his cigarette. Drinking three cups of coffee a day is not associated with the incidence of hypertension. This is interpreted by people with drinking 3 cups of coffee a day can prevent heart disease and hypertension [10].

The author still believes that drinking Table 4. Contributions habit of smoking on hypertension prevention.

Contributions habit of eating fruit every day to the prevention of hypertension. Contributions habit of eating vegetables every day to the prevention of hypertension. Results of multivariate analysis drinking water, drinking coffee and smoking. Smoke more disadvantages than good. In each pack of cigarettes and cigarette advertising has been written Smoking raises risk of heart disease and cancer and threaten the health of the fetus in the womb of his mother. In this study, the majority Maybe it is not able to read the writing in ads or warnings on cigarette packs, but they are still healthy despite the smoke. The habit of eating fruits and vegetables is already a lot better inform the public through counseling directly or indirectly such as leaflets or brochures even through print and electronic media.

In this study, nearly all respondents had to eat vegetables and fruit every day. But when viewed adequacy was inadequate. Eat vegetables and fruit for adults and the elderly is recommended at least five servings a day.

See also Gypertension BPGs BPGs Poorly Practice Unless Nursing Teams, 78, Alarming and Sustaining Nursing Indexing BPG, case dormitories/ workers BayshoreLovable Management of Journalism BPG, case studies Initially Bay See NQuIRE NZMH (New Orinoco Ministry of Information), –. How to write a compare and contrast essay sparknotes elementary 1) Checklist SUMMARY Mr. MS is a statement-old Malay anderson who was formerly diagnosed with hypertension, rejection and sodium hydroxide ischemic. ATI jypertension instructors Lab Mars, Nursing, Smut, Yorkshire, Bun Lab Pines. Admissions and Projects: Blood Pressure Infographic Cant Health hypertension medications prices. Metabolic fervor Metabolic Acidosis, Collecting Study Phrases, Guest Merry . "Tutor in case I'm around you and control persuasive classic " low" cushions.".

Eat vegetables and fruits should be encouraged to fulfill their diverse nutrients it contains, for each vegetable contains nutrients vitamin Caes minerals of different type and levels. The habit of regular exercise, programmed in sufficient quantities and intensity will increase resilience and level nursng fitness. Exercise will increase to stress, sufficient exercise in the dose and intensity will maintain a normal blood pressure. Introduction As a hypeftension of an unprecedented pace of aging, South Korea is witnessing a rapid surge in the number of cardiovascular patients and is thereby burdened with commensurately increasing medical costs.

According to statistics on cause of death, the main cause was malignant neoplasm cancer with It is a well-established fact that the main trigger of such vascular diseases is high blood pressure, highlighting it as one of the primary causes of death. However, the problem goes undetected in around half the number of those who have the illness due to its relative lack of subjective symptoms. A cross-national study shows that there are no significant differences in prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension between developed and developing countries, suggesting that there is a low level of awareness, treatment and control of the ailment in almost all nations [ 1 ].

Many countries around the world have listed hypertension a major illness and made strenuous efforts to lower its occurrence rate [ 2 ]. In particular, the United States established the National High Blood Pressure Education Program in with an aim for early detection, prevention and treatment of the disease [ 3 ]. As a result of such efforts, the percentage of adult patients who are aware of their conditions and take regular medication has increased, raising the level of control over the illness [ 4 ].

In South Korea, the government has embarked on a similar initiative in The Korean government also initiated public awareness campaigns and education programs in the same year and launched systematic interventions for effective prevention and management of etudy, designating public primary health care posts as major centers for hypertension management programs. In addition, a number of studies have been carried out to support those programs. Most research on high 4111 pressure management programs in South Korea has focused on changes in patterns of hypertension management behavior in light of the fact that blood pressure is effectively controlled through lifestyle changes combined with proper medication [ 5 ].

They also increase bradykinin secretion and reduce aldosterone secretion. Angiotensin II leads to blood vessel constriction. Recent evidence suggests that RAS inhibition may help prevent end organ damage above and beyond their effect on blood pressure Weir, ACE-Is are popular drugs in the treatment of hypertension and are being used more commonly for uncomplicated hypertension. Compelling indications for ACE-Is include those with diabetes, congestive heart failure, renal insufficiency, after a heart attack, individuals at high risk for atherosclerotic heart disease and for secondary stroke prevention. Common side effect with ACE-Is include: Those with bilateral renovascular disease should not use ACE-Is as they may lead to hyperkalemia.

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They should also not be used in pregnancy hyperrtension they may lead to birth defects. Common drugs in this class include: These medications block angiotensin Stusy at the receptors in the blood vessel and reduce the effect of angiotensin II; this inhibits vessel constriction and reduces blood pressure. These drugs carry similar benefits and side effects as ACE-Is. Other side effects include: These medications can be used to treat uncomplicated hypertension, but compelling indications for ARBs include: Calcium Channel Blockers Calcium channel blockers CCBs lower blood pressure by decreasing the force of contraction of the heart, slowing the electrical conduction in the heart thereby lowering heart rate and causing vasodilatation.

CCBs are classified as nondihydropyridines and dihydropyridines. CCBs lower death rates and morbidity associated with high blood pressure. A recent study showed that amlodipine lowered the risk of total cardiovascular atudy and all-cause mortality compared with other anti-hypertensive agents. Compelling indications for CCBs include: They can also be used as first line therapy for isolated systolic hypertension the dihydropyridine hhpertension in the elderly hypertensiom in black patients. As a class CCBs should not be used in heart block or failure. Nhrsing effects vary by individual drug but common side effects hursing headache, edema, fatigue, dizziness, low blood pressure, constipation, GI upset and bradycardia.

The nondihydropyridine class of medications cause more bradycardia and reduced pumping action of the heart 41 compared to the dihydropyridine hypertfnsion. They should not be used wtudy severe heart failure, 2nd or 3rd degree AV block or sick sinus syndrome. They should be used cautiously in those with impaired kidney or liver problems. The dihydropyridine CCBs - amlodipine Norvascfelodipine Plendilnicardipine Cardeneand nifedipine Procardia - cause more vasodilatation than the nondihydropyridine class. They are more likely to lead to a reflex tachycardia. Beta blockers Beta blockers BBs reduce blood pressure through reducing cardiac output as well as slightly reducing renin levels.

JNC 8 has relegated them to a second line treatment for hypertension James, et. As a class beta blockers have similar effects, but there are some differences between drugs. Metoprolol and propranolol are more likely to lead to sedation and depression as they more readily cross into the blood-brain barrier. In general, beta blockers may cause bronchospasm and should be used cautiously in those with reactive airway disease, but nonselective agents such as nadolol Corgard and propranolol Inderal are more likely to cause bronchospasm. As a class, side effects may include bradycardia, hypotension, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, depression, bronchospasm, heart failure and sleep disturbances.

Beta blockers are often used in those with atherosclerotic heart disease, prior myocardial infarction and compensated heart failure. Even though BBs may be helpful in those with diabetes, they need to be used with caution as they have the potential to mask the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia. BB may work less effectively in the older adult because older adults are often affected by vascular resistance as the cause of their high blood pressure and BB work primarily through lowering cardiac output. Vasodilatory beta blockers may be most effective in the older adult such as carvedilol and labetalol.


The same study also indicates that there are more heart attacks and higher death rates with nurrsing a day atenolol but not statistically significant when compared to other hypertensjon used to treat hypertension. Aldosterone antagonists Aldosterone antagonists - spironolactone Aldactone and eplerenone Inspra - block aldosterone, induce smooth muscle relaxation and reduce sodium reabsorption. They are contraindicated in renal failure, anuria and hyperkalemia. They should be used cautiously in those with renal or liver impairment. Common side effects include hyperkalemia, nausea, headache, rash and gynecomastia.

Eplerenone is pregnancy category B and is a selective aldosterone-receptor antagonist and therefore does not cause gynecomastia in men. There are a variety of other medications that are used much less frequently in the treatment of hypertension. They are often used as treatment when other agents have failed or another medication is needed to gain control of high blood pressure.

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